The Flint Community Water Lab

Making the Dream a Reality


Youth Summer Program

Every year the lab hosts a youth enrichment program to expose youth throughout the Great Lakes region to opportunities to learn lab and workforce skills.

Water Testing

Flint residents are able to have your water tested for FREE for lead. Learn more about how the lab works and how to get your water tested today!

Lead & Filter Education

Understanding the impacts of lead, where it can be found, and how to protect your family from exposure is extremely important. Check out our educational resources by clicking the link below.

Lead Test Kits

To pay for or purchase a lead test kit please contact Candice Mushatt directly at or call +1 810-875-9127.

Take the Virtual Tour!

Thank You to Our Partners

The Hagerman Foundation, Ruth Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Freshwater Future, The City of Flint, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Cedar Tree Foundation, CPI International, Consumers Energy, Crown Foundation, Joyce Foundation, Michigan Economic Development Corporation, Nalgene Water Fund, TCF Bank, Donors to Patronicity/Online Fundraiser, Genesee County Latino Hispanic Collaborative, Flint Neighborhoods United, University of Michigan Biological Station, and University of Michigan Flint Bio-Chemistry Department.